Wayne Brooks, the founder and principal of Salteydogg Metal Fab, has thirty-five years of experience in the metal fabrication industry with thirty of those in the Albuquerque area.  Wayne was the manager of a large metal fabrication shop in Albuquerque, and has also served as a project manager.  He is passionate about working within the local community and has built long standing relationships with local vendors and specialty fabricators.  With Salteydogg, Wayne is living his dream.  He has made a lifetime passion his own.

Chris Parker has been Wayne's right hand man for nearly 20 years.  Without him, Salteydogg would not be what it is today.  Customers know that if Wayne is not available, that they're in great hands with Chris.

Karin Arellano is the Office Manager, Accounting Department.  She is the friendly voice that answers the phone and her smile illuminates the shop.  Like Wayne she has also lived and worked in the area for the majority of her adult life and is proud to be a local.

Wayne has worked with his trusted staff for years.  He's proud of the relationships he's built and maintained.  In SalteyDogg, Wayne has assembled a diverse group that thrives as a team.  Over a dozen different flags hang from the shop ceiling, representing the origins or passions of his employees.  As the business is as much about people as it is about metal,  SalteyDogg is committed to creating a work environment where employees are not just content, they are truly happy. 

His team includes proud young mothers and fathers, marines, aircraft mechanics, bowlers, racers, designers, artists and a man who goes by "Big Sexy".  When asked to fill out a questionnaire for the website, the question "What was your favorite project at SalteyDogg and why?" provided the most insightful answers.  Everyone had different favorite projects but the why was consistent:  "Because we built it as a team." 

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